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HC Crimestoppers seeks donations


In 2011, concerned citizens of our county came together to re-start Hamilton County Crimestoppers so that local citizens can play an active role in keeping our communities safe.

For the last eight years dedicated HCC board members have accomplished much with your monetary donations: we have implemented an anonymous tip line for reporting information about criminal activity; we continue to publish bimonthly “Most-Wanted” posters and offer rewards for capture; we continue to promote the message of Crimestoppers in our communities, and we are always working to improve communication and cooperation between citizens and our local law enforcement agencies. Thanks to your ongoing financial support the work of Hamilton County Crimestoppers has resulted in 138 arrests and has paid out more than $6,000 in rewards. We are proud of our work, and we are thankful for every donation that keeps us operating.

However, after eight years of operations Hamilton County Crimestoppers is again in need of your financial support if we are to continue our mission. If you are reading this and would like to keep Crimestoppers funded through your tax-deductible donation, please send your gift to: Hamilton County Crimestoppers, PO Box 315, Webster City. Your donation is crucial if we are to continue operations into 2020. Thank you for your support.


Hamilton County Crimestoppers Board

Craig Blaufuss, Karen Culpepper, Darlene Dingman, Wendi Dinsdale, Kathy Getting, Mary Harris, Alice Heinrichs, Craig Hughes, Dalene Schlitter and Darcy Swon